Showing posts with label Snow White. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Snow White. Show all posts

June 20, 2012

Vintage Disney photos...weird and cool

Here are some fun/scary WTF vintage Disney photos from days of yore in the parks...

Mickey has put on a few pounds over the years.

Um scary. Yeah.

Took a while to figure out head size proportions.

Head size WTF example #2.

And some General WTF's for your amusement...

Mickey used to be quite a bit more heartless. Poison and TNT?

I got nothin...?!?

Apparently Mickey and Minnie got married at some point. Er.

Biggest WTF of them all...

March 22, 2012

Disney Characters in Reality TV Shows

Having fun today casting our favorite Disney characters onto trashy reality TV shows.

Hoarders. Ariel needs help.

Kuzco is the original Undercover Boss

Charlotte baby definitely goes on Toddlers and Tiaras

Both Cinderella and Fairy Godmother go on What Not to Wear

Jon and Kate Plus 8 (7 Dwarves plus the horse, heh)

Mary Poppins is the #1 British SuperNanny!

Remy is my Top Chef, of course.